682 364 518 =
six hundred three million three hundred sixty four thousand five hundred eighteen
682364518 = six hundred eighty-two million three hundred sixty-four thousand five hundred eighteen.
Six hundred eighty-two million, three hundred sixty-four thousand, five hundred eighteen.
The expanded form of 18,370 is 10,000+8,000+300+70. The number is expanded get it expand, stretch
6 tenths in expanded form
six hundred three million three hundred sixty four thousand five hundred eighteen
682364518 = six hundred eighty-two million three hundred sixty-four thousand five hundred eighteen.
six hundred eighty two milion, three hundred sixty-four thousand, five hundred eighteen
Six hundred eighty-two million, three hundred sixty-four thousand, five hundred eighteen.
682,364,518 = six hundred and eighty two million three hundred and sixty four thousand five hundred and eighteen.
The correct answer is "expanded form".
300 is already written in expanded form.
what is211.073 in expanded form
EXpanded MultiPlayer happened in 2003.