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Mix as many combinations as possible. Here is one example: f_@mW^1O3+

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Q: How do you do a password on 10 characters?
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What is less than 8 characters?

It is not advisable to create a password with less than 8 characters.

What is the password on Facebook?

A password is a secret phrase, code, or string of characters that shows you are the person authorized to access that particular Facebook account.

What would be the 8 characters id password include a number an uppercase letter and a lower case letter?


What is the chance of guessing a password right?

The chance of guessing a password right depends on the length and complexity of the password. If it is a simple password with only a few characters or common patterns, the chance of guessing it correctly can be relatively high. However, with longer and more complex passwords that include a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters, the chance of guessing it right becomes extremely low.

What are characters they want 4 of them to make a password?

Password characters can include -- the digits, 0 through 9 . . . . . ten choices -- the letters, A through Z . . . . . 26 choices -- some systems can tell the difference between capital letters and small letters, so you have another 26 choices . . . the small letters 'a' through 'z' -- some systems also let you use special characters, like !, @, #, $, %, &, *, ?, / If your system allows all of these, and you need 4 characters for a password, then you can make almost 4 billion different passwords ! Here are a few examples of passwords you can make with 4 characters: 1234 ABCD abcd AbcD A3g9 2c4? Home homE 1776 bush fONe five 5ive

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What are the first four characters of a password?

1234 may be the first four characters of a password

How do you can the password to your characters password on our world?


Password must Be 6 and 10 alpha numeric characters?

If a website (or other password-protected something or other) tells you that you must have a password of 6 to 10 alphanumeric characters, that means that your chosen password must be at least 6, but no more than 10, characters, which can be letters or numbers. "Alphanumeric" means letters and numbers, but not punctuation or other characters. So, "pass" would be too short, "thisismyabsurdlylongpassword" would be too long, and "@#*&@$!^" would not work because it's not alphanumeric. "P4ssw0rd" would be between 6 and 10 alphanumeric characters, although you should choose something less easy to guess than that.

What makes a stronge password?

a strong password is a password that no one will ever figure out but you! Unusual characters in a password is very strong.A strong password;Should be 10 or more CharactersShould be use upper/lowercase lettersShould not be your friends, family or own name.Should not be a real word

Which type of password is used to enter in gmail with 8 characters?

You can use any type of password in Gmail. The password must be greater than 8 characters. It can contain special characters for it's strength.

What is the maximum number of characters that can be used in a windows password?

20 characters

How many change password in your account?

You can change password as many times you want. The password must be minimum 8 characters of length. It must contain numerals and characters too.

What does invalid characters mean?

Invalid characters means characters that you are not allowed to use. When choosing a password, a person will sometimes use characters that are not accepted and a box will pop up saying that there are invalid characters in the password.

What is the password for sonic flash?

The best password is 595313131313131 , It can get you all the characters and the cheats.

How do you disable a password on a winrar file?

You can't without using a program, which would easily take 10 years to get the password, even that wouldn't guarantee a successful password. The more characters the password has, the more years it will take. WinRAR has AES, Advanced Encryption Standard, with 128 bit key length.

How do you use password characters in dragon world tour mode in dragon ball z budokai tenkaichi 3?

If you have a password character made, you go to where the computer is on the character select screen and choose that to get to your password characters. The computer icon is found in the end of the characters in its own column.

Can you help me make a good password?

It depends what the password is for. A 'good' password should consist of at least 10 characters. It should be a mixture of letters and numbers - but NOT something that could be guessed by someone who knows you. For example - the password I use to access my bank account online... has ten characters - and comprises 6 letters and 4 digits. I have NEVER revealed it to anyone - which makes guessing it almost impossible !Whatever password you choose - it should be something that you can easily remember - but nothing too obvious. How abut the name of your first pet... plus the year you were born.Just for reference... a 10-digit alphanumeric password has...3,656,158,440,062,976 possible combinations !