In computing, an arithmetic logic unit ( ALU) is a digital circuit that performs arithmetic and logical operations.
Standard American form: 1,460,000,000Old British form: 1,460,000,000,000 (don't worry about this in normal arithmetic)
There is no short form. Most people, in most of the world, are not obsessed with short forms that will save microseconds!
Sure. There are other applications of arithmetic, but algebra without arithmetic is impossible. A broad knowledge of arithmetic is essential for mastery of algebra.
'The Devil's Arithmetic' was written by Jane Yolen .
Any pair of numbers will always form an arithmetic sequence.
In computing, an arithmetic logic unit ( ALU) is a digital circuit that performs arithmetic and logical operations.
ARITHMETIC AND LOGICAL UNIT Anand bhat(mca@kiit-870024)
Arithmetic Logic Unit
'Arithmetic' is a 'mass noun', ie, it is the collective word for something which cannot be presented as a discrete, definitive article. By that, I mean you can't say "An arithmetic" as in, trying to present it as a single entity, without any further qualifiers (such as 'an arithmetic problem'). Therefore there is no plural or singular form. 'Arithmetics' is another mass noun with the same meaning.
It is a progression of terms whose reciprocals form an arithmetic progression.
Arithmetic Logical Unit - ALU- in computer.
linear function
Standard American form: 1,460,000,000Old British form: 1,460,000,000,000 (don't worry about this in normal arithmetic)
The fundamental theorem of arithmetic says any integer can be factored into a unique product of primes. The is the prime factored form.
An arithmetic series is the sum of the terms in an arithmetic progression.
it facilitates arithmetic calculations using fractions. Especially with calculators.