Multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same number or divide the numerator and the denominator by the same number
2 over 8 and 3 over 12.
5/6, 10/12, 15/18, 20/24
10/50, 100/500, 1000/5000, 10000/50000, 100000/500000 and 11/55 are 6 examples.
No, it is not.
9/27 = 1/3 or 3/9
Multiply both the numerator and the denominator by the same counting number.
16/24, 4/6, and 2/3
2 over 8 and 3 over 12.
5/6, 10/12, 15/18, 20/24
10/50, 100/500, 1000/5000, 10000/50000, 100000/500000 and 11/55 are 6 examples.
There is no equivalent to "G.O.P." to refer to the Democratic Party.
There is an infinite number of fractions that are all equivalent to one third. Here are a few of them: 2/6 3/9 4/12 19/57 264/792
Many fractions are equal to 48. 96/2, 144/3, and even 48/1 are all fractions that are equal to 48. Perhaps you mean 4/8 though, and 1/2, 2/4 and 3/6 are all equal to 4/8.
No, it is not.
Rewriting input as fractions if necessary: 3/7, 5/4, 2/6The least common denominator (LCD) is: 84.Rewriting as equivilant fractions with the LCD: 36/84, 105/84, 28/84Ordering these fractions by the numerator: 28/84