To compare decimals: look at the highest-order digit and compare. If it is the same, look at the next digit, and so forth. Thus, 23.5 is greater than 11.4 (because the tens digit is greater), 123.88 is greater than 25.82 (because the second number has no hundreds digit, so you can take it to be zero), 115.28 is greater than 113.99 (the first two digits are equal, so you compare the third digit).
To compare fractions: use a calculator to convert to decimals, then compare. Alternately, you can convert to a common denominator, then compare the numerators.
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You determine the least to greatest in decimals by using their leftmost unit. The decimal 0.2 is less than 0.3. To determine fractions, you need to first convert them to decimals.
You can turn all of them into decimals. If it is an infinite decimal, you can get a common denominator.
either turn all ur numbers to fractions or decimals, then put it in order
Listing the fractions is ascending (or descending) order.
All you have to do is convert either the fractions to decimals or the decimals to fractions. If you do not know lets say what one sixth is, just divide 6 by 100 on a calculator and round it. 100/6=16.6666666 so just round to 16.6, but since 100= 1 in decimals to fractions write it 0.16. hope i helped! Seventh grade intensified mathematician PS this math is for fifth and sixth grader and if you didn't know the answer you could have looked in your math textbook.
You determine the least to greatest in decimals by using their leftmost unit. The decimal 0.2 is less than 0.3. To determine fractions, you need to first convert them to decimals.
Convert them to decimals.
Usually smallest to largest, least to greatest.
Convert them to decimals and order them least to greatest.
think of it as money. you could do that with decimals too.
yeah so good so far
convert fractions to decimal then just compare them,and then put them in order!:)
You can turn all of them into decimals. If it is an infinite decimal, you can get a common denominator.
Well you first have to look at the decimals and see which one is the least then get to the greatest
Greatest on a list of proper fractions, least on a list of improper fractions.
either turn all ur numbers to fractions or decimals, then put it in order
Convert all the rational numbers to order into equivalent fractions with the same denominator; then they can be ordered by putting the numerators in order from least to greatest. ------------ You can also convert all the numbers to decimals ... this is actually a special case of "equivalent fractions".