You multiply the numbers like you multiply integers. Count how many numbers are after the decimal points in both numbers combined and move the decimal point in front of the answer.
The first step in calculating the percent of numbers is to change the percent to a decimal. When you see the word "of" in word problems, that signals multiplication, so take the decimal and multiply by the number.
Ignoring the decimal points, multiply them as if they were whole numbers (ignoring any leading zeros)Put the decimal point into the answer by counting how many digits in total were after the decimal points in the multiplication and put the same number after the decimal point in the answer (inserting leading zeros if necessary).0.009 bx 0.051 → 9 x 51 = 459 (ignoring the leading zeros)There are 3 + 3 = 6 digits after the decimal points (009 and 051), so 6 digits after the decimal point in the answer: 0.000459 (inserting 3 leading zeros)
There should be no points after the decimal point.
87.656 87.66
You can't have 2 decimal points in a number so therefore the multiplication is invalid.
It is the multiplication of two numbers which are in decimal form.
The first step in calculating the percent of numbers is to change the percent to a decimal. When you see the word "of" in word problems, that signals multiplication, so take the decimal and multiply by the number.
To multiply decimal numbers, the decimal point is ignored and the multiplication is done as though they were (large) integers. The last step is to put the decimal point into the answer by ensuring the same number of digits follow it as were following the decimal points in the numbers multiplied together; trailing zeros can be removed at this point.
The fundamental operations on whole numbers and decimals are addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. However, multiplying and dividing decimals is a bit more complicated because you have to count decimal points to get an accurate answer.
Ignoring the decimal points, multiply them as if they were whole numbers (ignoring any leading zeros)Put the decimal point into the answer by counting how many digits in total were after the decimal points in the multiplication and put the same number after the decimal point in the answer (inserting leading zeros if necessary).0.009 bx 0.051 → 9 x 51 = 459 (ignoring the leading zeros)There are 3 + 3 = 6 digits after the decimal points (009 and 051), so 6 digits after the decimal point in the answer: 0.000459 (inserting 3 leading zeros)
proper fraction
There should be no points after the decimal point.
Because conversion in the decimal system is based on multiplication (or division) by powers of ten. Each multiplication by ten is equivalent to moving the decimal point one place to the right.
87.656 87.66