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Q: How do you do patterns and functions tables?
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Graphs can reveal patterns, trends, and relationships in data that might not be evident from simply looking at the raw numbers. They can help to visualize data, identify outliers, and make comparisons between different data sets more easily. Additionally, graphs can provide insights into the distribution and shape of data, as well as aid in detecting any potential correlations or causal relationships.

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add 5 every time

What has the author J Peters written?

J. Peters has written: 'Eight-place tables of trigonometric functions' -- subject(s): Tables, Trigonometry 'Eight-place tables of trigonometric functions for every second of arc, with an appendix on the computation to twenty places' -- subject(s): Tables, Trigonometry

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visual patterns based on the multiplication and addition tables modulo.

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E. Jahnke has written: 'Tables of higher functions' -- subject(s): Functions, Mathematics, Tables 'Zur integration von differentialgleichungen erster ordnung' -- subject(s): Differential equations, Elliptic functions

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R. O. Gumprecht has written: 'Tables of functions of first and second partial derivatives of Legendre polynomials' 'Tables of light-scattering functions for spherical particles'

What can graphs reveal that data tables cannot?

graph can reveal patterns or trend that words and date tables cannot -from derek

What math book did Rudiger Gamm learn math from?

He memorized tables of functions, exponential functions, logarithmic functions, etc, ... try looking up "handbook of mathematical functions"

What are four different ways of representing functions?

equation graph words tables

Why are tables and graphs usful for organnizing scientific data?

Tables and graphs are useful because they help u visual and representation and organize information to show patterns andrelationship.

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Who was the us sociologist who pointed out the difference between the manifest functions and the latent functions of social patterns?

Robert K. Merton was the US sociologist who introduced the concepts of manifest functions (intended consequences) and latent functions (unintended consequences) of social patterns in his work on the structure and dynamics of social systems.