No. A whole number is a number with no fractional (decimal) part. Therefore a decimal number can not be a whole number. Another view: 35.0 is a whole number AND a decimal. The fact that a number is a decimal does not automatically require it to have a fractional part. Even 35 is a decimal number (without a decimal point).
Double it and put a decimal point two places from the right: eg 2% of 563 is 11.26
27.9 IS a decimal number. You can tell it is a decimal number because it has a decimal point (.).
7.5 is a decimal.
A decimal is a way of representing a number. There is no number after a number.A decimal is NOT a decimal point.
Double/Decimal- Used to store number with decimal placesFor ExampleDim a As Doublea = 12.64lblDisplay.Text = "The Double value store in the variable is" & aEnd Sub
It is a number with a decimal point. It is not necessarily a decimal number because 24 (no decimal pont) is a decimal number.It is a number with a decimal point. It is not necessarily a decimal number because 24 (no decimal pont) is a decimal number.It is a number with a decimal point. It is not necessarily a decimal number because 24 (no decimal pont) is a decimal number.It is a number with a decimal point. It is not necessarily a decimal number because 24 (no decimal pont) is a decimal number.
It could be 4.12111... (repeating).
No. A whole number is a number with no fractional (decimal) part. Therefore a decimal number can not be a whole number. Another view: 35.0 is a whole number AND a decimal. The fact that a number is a decimal does not automatically require it to have a fractional part. Even 35 is a decimal number (without a decimal point).
A decimal number is not an integer. An integer is a number that is not a fraction, and decimal numbers are decimal fractions.
Double it and put a decimal point two places from the right: eg 2% of 563 is 11.26
27.9 IS a decimal number. You can tell it is a decimal number because it has a decimal point (.).
1.30 is a decimal number
A number with two decimal points cannot be a decimal number.
7.5 is a decimal.
A decimal is a way of representing a number. There is no number after a number.A decimal is NOT a decimal point.