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That's going to depend on the shape of the shape.

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Q: How do you draw a shape with an area of 16?
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How do you draw a shape with the same area and perimeter?

To draw a shape with the same area and perimeter, decide what shape you want to draw, then take the equations for area and perimeter and make them equal, and then solve what the various side lengths have to be. For instance, the area of a square is L2 where L is the side length, and the perimeter of a square is Lx4 We want them equal, so L2=Lx4 Dividing both sides by L gives us L=4, so if I draw a square with side length 4, it will have the same area and perimeter.

Is there a shape with the same perimeter and area?

There is a square that has a length of 4. Area: 4 x 4: 16 Perimeter: 4+4+4+4= 16 Yes, there is a shape with the same perimeter and area.

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How many shapes are there with an area of36?

There are an infinite number of them. Any shape that you can draw or define or describe or imagine can be made with an area of 36.

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What shape has a perimeter of 16 and area of 15?

A 5 by 3 rectangle

Can you draw a polygon with the area of 16 square feet?

Yes such as a square with 4 feet sides

How do you draw a shape with a perimeter of 14 and an area of 12?

A rectangle with sides of 3 and 4 units will meet the requirements.

How can you draw 3D Shapes?

You cannot draw a 3d shape. What you can draw, though, is a two dimensional projection of a 3 dimensional shape.

What is the area that has a 16 cm perimeter?

It depends on the shape. Any area up to 20.37 square cm is possible.

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How do you draw patterns?

You draw patterns by taking two or more thing and drawing them in a certain order. Example: :)...;)...:0...:)...;)...:0