

How do you dropout at 16?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: How do you dropout at 16?
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What age can you dropout?


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What is the legal dropout age in Arkansas?

Still 16.

What is the dropout rate for high schoolers in Alabama?

Approx. 16%

Where can a 16-year-old high school dropout get a job?

no where

Can you be 16 and dropout of school in Georgia?

yes you can but its not a good choice

How old does your child have to be to dropout of high school in new york?


What is the legal dropout age in Tucson?

Im perty sure that its 16. (:FireBrand:)

How long was the high school dropout age of Illinois 16?

27 years

What is the earliest age to dropout?

In the US anywhere from 14 to 19. Basically if you are in high school and you stop going, you become a dropout. That can happen at any point in the above range.

What is the dropout age in Nebraska?

In Nebraska, a child must attend school until they are 18 years of age. However, a parent can give permission for a child to dropout at the age of 16.

Is 18 the age a child may quit school in all states?

No, for example in NY, the dropout age is 16.