Multiply the numbers, count the total number of decimal places in the problem and place that many in your product.
The number is already in decimal form so why would you want to estimate it in decimal form???
One way is to multiply the numbers ignoring the decimal point. If the first multiplicand has d1 digits after the decimal point, and the second has d2 digits after the decimal point, then their product has (d1 + d2) digits after the decimal point.An alternative for the second stage is to estimate the answer to determine where the decimal point should go.
200, as the actual answer is 190.
To find the number of decimal places in a product of decimal numbers, add up the total number of decimal places in each of the factors. For example, if you have 2.5 multiplied by 4.75, there are two decimal places in 2.5 and two decimal places in 4.75, so the product will have a total of four decimal places.
YOU CAN estimate it by if your product has more than 5
The answer depends on what the decimal is: the processes for 9999.02 and 0.02 are very different.
Multiply the numbers, count the total number of decimal places in the problem and place that many in your product.
The number is already in decimal form so why would you want to estimate it in decimal form???
round down till there is not a decimal. example: 4.4*5.6 round to 4*5= about 20 (lower estimate)
An estimate will give an indication of the order of magnitude of the answer. The decimal point determines the order of magnitude and so, if the two are in agreement, then the decimal point has been placed in the right place. However, if you did your arithmetic properly then there would be no need to do the extra calculations required for an estimate.
One way is to multiply the numbers ignoring the decimal point. If the first multiplicand has d1 digits after the decimal point, and the second has d2 digits after the decimal point, then their product has (d1 + d2) digits after the decimal point.An alternative for the second stage is to estimate the answer to determine where the decimal point should go.
200, as the actual answer is 190.
To find the number of decimal places in a product of decimal numbers, add up the total number of decimal places in each of the factors. For example, if you have 2.5 multiplied by 4.75, there are two decimal places in 2.5 and two decimal places in 4.75, so the product will have a total of four decimal places.
0.75 is a good estimate.
Not really.If you are competent in using the basic operations of arithmetic (+ - * /) and follow the riles as these apply to decimal numbers then the decimal point will be correctly placed and finding a whole number estimate will only mean additional calculations which serve no purpose. On the other hand, if you are not that competent then how can you be sure that the whole number estimate that you find is accurate?