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Excel and also OpenOffice Calc have functions to do certain operations on complex numbers. The IMPOWER() function will handle what you want to do. Example: type the following in a cell =IMPOWER("-415+234i",1/3) and the result will be 5 + 6i. If you are using OpenOffice, then a semicolon is used rather than a comma in functions {=IMPOWER("-415+234i";1/3)}

The complex number is formatted as text. There are other functions: IMABS, IMARGUMENT, IMPRODUCT, etc. You can do a help search for Complex Numbers, or one of these functions that I mentioned.

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What is an expression in excel?

In Excel an expression is a simple formula and would not have complex parts or complicated functions in it.In Excel an expression is a simple formula and would not have complex parts or complicated functions in it.In Excel an expression is a simple formula and would not have complex parts or complicated functions in it.In Excel an expression is a simple formula and would not have complex parts or complicated functions in it.In Excel an expression is a simple formula and would not have complex parts or complicated functions in it.In Excel an expression is a simple formula and would not have complex parts or complicated functions in it.In Excel an expression is a simple formula and would not have complex parts or complicated functions in it.In Excel an expression is a simple formula and would not have complex parts or complicated functions in it.In Excel an expression is a simple formula and would not have complex parts or complicated functions in it.In Excel an expression is a simple formula and would not have complex parts or complicated functions in it.In Excel an expression is a simple formula and would not have complex parts or complicated functions in it.

How do you make graphs charts and tables?

Use Microsoft Excel.

How do you do standard deviation on Microsoft Excel?

Use the STDEV() function.

How do you create 3D chart in Microsoft Excel?

There are many charting options in Excel. When you choose your chart, select a 3D chart.

What are statistical packages of lotus and Excel used in research?

Lotus 123 and Microsoft Excel are electronic spreadsheet applications. Both can be used for doing statistics because spreadsheets are for numerical analysis and manipulation.Lotus 123 and Microsoft Excel are electronic spreadsheet applications. Both can be used for doing statistics because spreadsheets are for numerical analysis and manipulation.Lotus 123 and Microsoft Excel are electronic spreadsheet applications. Both can be used for doing statistics because spreadsheets are for numerical analysis and manipulation.Lotus 123 and Microsoft Excel are electronic spreadsheet applications. Both can be used for doing statistics because spreadsheets are for numerical analysis and manipulation.Lotus 123 and Microsoft Excel are electronic spreadsheet applications. Both can be used for doing statistics because spreadsheets are for numerical analysis and manipulation.Lotus 123 and Microsoft Excel are electronic spreadsheet applications. Both can be used for doing statistics because spreadsheets are for numerical analysis and manipulation.Lotus 123 and Microsoft Excel are electronic spreadsheet applications. Both can be used for doing statistics because spreadsheets are for numerical analysis and manipulation.Lotus 123 and Microsoft Excel are electronic spreadsheet applications. Both can be used for doing statistics because spreadsheets are for numerical analysis and manipulation.Lotus 123 and Microsoft Excel are electronic spreadsheet applications. Both can be used for doing statistics because spreadsheets are for numerical analysis and manipulation.Lotus 123 and Microsoft Excel are electronic spreadsheet applications. Both can be used for doing statistics because spreadsheets are for numerical analysis and manipulation.Lotus 123 and Microsoft Excel are electronic spreadsheet applications. Both can be used for doing statistics because spreadsheets are for numerical analysis and manipulation.

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How high do the numbers on Microsoft Excel go?

65,536! 1,048,576 with Excel 2007

Can a person complete calculations in Microsoft Excel 2003?

Yes they can. It is what Microsoft Excel is for.Yes they can. It is what Microsoft Excel is for.Yes they can. It is what Microsoft Excel is for.Yes they can. It is what Microsoft Excel is for.Yes they can. It is what Microsoft Excel is for.Yes they can. It is what Microsoft Excel is for.Yes they can. It is what Microsoft Excel is for.Yes they can. It is what Microsoft Excel is for.Yes they can. It is what Microsoft Excel is for.Yes they can. It is what Microsoft Excel is for.Yes they can. It is what Microsoft Excel is for.

What are examples of types of data in Microsoft Excel?

numbers and text

What is the Evaluate Formula in Microsoft Excel?

Evaluate Formula allows you to go through a formula step by step and see how it does its calculation. This can enable you to understand how a formula is done and it can help you to find errors in the process. It can help you to see why a formula is giving you the wrong results. It is particularly useful on more complex functions.

Which one is more difficult Microsoft Excel or MS Word?

If you open it up and go to the help features you would have a hard time not understanding how to use it within 30 minutes. It really straight forward to do basic things. But like anything the more complex the usage the more complex the knowledge required to use it in that fashion. Overall It is fairly simple. --edit I suppose that is assuming you have basic computer skills and are at least some what experienced in the usage of a computer and menus, biased on the ability to post this question it was assumed.

Who are the creators of Microsoft Excel?

Microsoft excel was created by Microsoft

What is Excel on computers?

Excel is a specialized program that manages numbers in various ways. It uses spreadsheets and data to process a large amount of numbers. One enters the data, or numbers, and the program calculates the numbrs in the manner you designate in the program.

How does Microsoft Excel helps in accounting?

It can calculate numbers and set out tables and graphs

What are characters called in Microsoft Excel?

A possible answer is text, numbers, and special characters.

Can you use Microsoft Excel for home finances?

Excel can be used for anything to do with numbers, so that would include home finances.

What is the apple equivalent to Microsoft Word and Excel?

The closest equivalent would be Pages, although it doesn't have quite as many features as Microsoft Word.

How do you launch Microsoft Excel?

Programs->Microsoft Office->Microsoft Excel