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Q: How do you evaluate each expression with only one exponent?
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You replace each variable by its value. Then you do the indicated calculations.

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What is an expression where the highest exponent is two?

There is no specific name unless the exponents can only be non-negative integers. In the latter case, it is a quadratic expression.

What is a monomial in algebra?

A monomial is an expression made up of a co-efficient, a variable , and an exponent that has only one term. Monomial = 4x ^2 4= co-efficient x=variable 2= exponent.

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A rational expression is an expression that includes only additions, subtractions, multiplications and divisions. Some of the things that will make an expression irrational (not rational) are square roots, higher-level roots, non-integer powers, exponentials (powers in which the variable expression occurs in the exponent), and common functions such as logarithms or trigonometric functions.

How many ways can you write the number 8?

One way only. 8. parents has 8 children and the children has 8 children how many grandchildren are there and if each grandchild has 8 children. write an expression of how many great-grand children with an exponent to represent the great-grand children

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An if-else statement can only evaluate boolean expressions. That is, an expression can only evaluate true or false which means only one of the two possible execution paths will be executed for each if statement encountered. At every if statement, the control expression must be evaluated. A switch statement can have as many execution paths as there are evaluations of a single expression. The switch expression must evaluate to an integral type (an integer or enumeration). Each execution point is represented by a case label that matches the result of the evaluation. An optional default label can be used as the execution point for any evaluations that do not have their own case labels. The default label need not be the last label. Case labels are no different to ordinary code labels; execution will continue through each and every case label until the end of the switch statement is reached or a break statement is encountered en route. This allows us to create more complex execution paths that operate more efficiently than would be possible with a series of if-else statements.

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There is no equation in the question, only an expression. An expression cannot be solved.

What is the LCM of 6p2q3r4 and 14pq2r3?

The lcm of 6p^2 q^3 r^4 and 14pq^2 r^3? 1. Prime factor 6 and 14 2. Write the prime factorization using exponents 3. Write each same base number with the highest exponent. 4. Write each single base number(number without exponent) 5. Multiply the numbers *For monomials only* 6. Choose highest exponent for each variable 7. Write each variable with its exponent in alphabetical order (ex. 24a*bc*) (a variable that doesn't appear to have an exponent, has an automatic exponent of 1) LCM=42p^2 q^3 r^4

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Only your physician is qualified to tell you if this is appropriate for you or not. Each patient has a unique history that only a physician can evaluate.