28655 ends with a 5, therefore it must be divisible by 5.
A Prime number is something that cannot be divided at all (At least without creating a decimal).
If you can divide 28655 by 5, then it cannot be a prime number.
Any number, however, large, that ends in '5' or '0' is divisible by '5'. Hence 28655 ends in '5' , so it is divisible by '5' . there by it is NOT a prime number. 28655 is a compound number. 5)28655 = 5731
The only prime number that ends in 5 is 5.
Because it has many Factors 1, 5, 11, 55, 521, 2605, 5731, 28655
Any number ending in 5 (or 0) is divisible by 5. 28655 = 5 x 5731 and is therefore not a prime number. Note: 5731 is also not a prime as it is divisible by 11 : 11 x 521 = 5731
It's greater than 5 and ends in 5.
It is not a prime number.
Any number, however, large, that ends in '5' or '0' is divisible by '5'. Hence 28655 ends in '5' , so it is divisible by '5' . there by it is NOT a prime number. 28655 is a compound number. 5)28655 = 5731
No, the number 28,655 is composite.
The only prime number that ends in 5 is 5.
Because it has many Factors 1, 5, 11, 55, 521, 2605, 5731, 28655
Any number ending in 5 (or 0) is divisible by 5. 28655 = 5 x 5731 and is therefore not a prime number. Note: 5731 is also not a prime as it is divisible by 11 : 11 x 521 = 5731
All numbers ending in 0 and 5 are divisible by 5 and since 28655 ends in 5, it is divisible by 5 and therefore not prime.
It's greater than 5 and ends in 5.
Any number that has a 5 or 0 in the ones place is divisible by 5. If a number is evenly divisible by another number, it is NOT prime.
Becouse 5731*5=28655.5 is a factor, you can multiply a number by five to get this (if the number ends in 5 or 0, 5 is always a factor).
No. A prime number is always odd.
A prime number has no factors except itself and 1.