The law of large numbers basically states that the more times you do something, the more accurate the data. For example, If i flip a coin 2 times, My data won't be as accurate as if i flipped it 100 times because There is more chance of getting heads half the tima and tails the other half. =)
the easiest thing to know it A squared + B squared = C squared
In simple terms, if a fluid is flowing through a pipe, as the radius of the pipe decreases the speed of fluid flow must increase and visa-versa.
Ten. More generally, the base of the number system.
No. Terms like "Bijilion" or "Jillions" are slang expressions used to denote very large numbers, but they are not mathematically correct.
The Glossary
Scientists use the concepts of scale and magnitude to explain phenomena that are very small or very large. These concepts help put the size of objects or events into perspective by comparing them to familiar objects or distances. Scientists also use scientific notation to express very large or very small numbers in a more manageable way.
In simple terms, "Magnitude" means "Largeness". Magna is the root of magnitude, and means large.
Debentures refers to discharging the liability on account of debentures in accordance with the terms of issue.
In simple terms Accounting is the process(technique) of identifying, recording, summarizing, analysing and interpreting transactions & events.
the easiest thing to know it A squared + B squared = C squared
Give them your pin number and you get whatever you want.
Unfortunately, no -- because these aspects of our Universe are NOT simple. An apocryphal story has Einstein being asked to explain relativity in one simple sentence. His reply was that he couldn't explain relativity in less than three days, and that, unless one had an understanding of advanced mathematics, none of it would make any sense!
The term fecundity means the capacity to have large numbers of offspring; reproductive capacity.
Uptime Software is a fairly large company in computing terms. They do not have large numbers of employees but they do have a large customer base in over 40 countries using their products.
Yes, but in relative terms Italy was not as hard hit as many others.
You would have b-18, because since those numbers aren't like terms, that is as simple as you can make it.
In simple terms, if a fluid is flowing through a pipe, as the radius of the pipe decreases the speed of fluid flow must increase and visa-versa.