You cannot do so.
To express any whole number as a fraction, the numerator is the number and the denominator is 1.
1.7383 is a [decimal] fraction: it is NOT a whole number and there is no sensible way to express it as a whole number.
1.0 is a whole number and it makes little sense to express it as a fraction but, if you must, it is 1/1. As a percentage, it is 100%.
parts of a whole number
You cannot do so.
45% is a fraction and there is no sensible way to express it as a whole number.
To express any whole number as a fraction, the numerator is the number and the denominator is 1.
24/32 is a fraction and there is no way to express it as a whole number.
1.7383 is a [decimal] fraction: it is NOT a whole number and there is no sensible way to express it as a whole number.
6/165 is a rational fraction and there is no sensible way to express it as a whole number.
79/9 is an improper fraction and there is no way to express it as a whole number.
Well, darling, sixteen divided by six gives you two and a remainder of four. So, if you want it as a whole number, you simply drop the remainder and you're left with two. Math can be a real hoot, can't it?
The question is ambiguous. Do you want to know how to multiply a fraction by a whole number, as well as by a mixed number? Or are you asking how to multiply a whole number by a mixed number and express the product as a fraction? Or what?
13 / (2/5) in its simplest form, is an improper fraction and there is no way to express that as a whole number.