You cannot do so.
To express any whole number as a fraction, the numerator is the number and the denominator is 1.
1.7383 is a [decimal] fraction: it is NOT a whole number and there is no sensible way to express it as a whole number.
1.0 is a whole number and it makes little sense to express it as a fraction but, if you must, it is 1/1. As a percentage, it is 100%.
parts of a whole number
You cannot do so.
45% is a fraction and there is no sensible way to express it as a whole number.
To express any whole number as a fraction, the numerator is the number and the denominator is 1.
24/32 is a fraction and there is no way to express it as a whole number.
1.7383 is a [decimal] fraction: it is NOT a whole number and there is no sensible way to express it as a whole number.
6/165 is a rational fraction and there is no sensible way to express it as a whole number.
79/9 is an improper fraction and there is no way to express it as a whole number.
The question is ambiguous. Do you want to know how to multiply a fraction by a whole number, as well as by a mixed number? Or are you asking how to multiply a whole number by a mixed number and express the product as a fraction? Or what?
13 / (2/5) in its simplest form, is an improper fraction and there is no way to express that as a whole number.
Express the mixed fraction as an improper fraction and then proceed as you would with ordinary fractions. If the answer is an improper fraction, then remember to convert to a mixed fraction.