p = 100*a/b
To calculate the value of a as a percentage of b, multiply a by 100 and then divide by b.
p=b+3a+c p-3a-c=b+3a-3a+c-c p-3a-c=b b=p-3a-c
It is not possible to answer this question with the amount of information provided.
It means the answer is -11p.
Trombones in the Big Parade
Find B if P = 112 and R = 77 7/9
P = 5 A = 6 B = 11 Or.... P = 1 A = 30 B = 55
p=b+3a+c p-3a-c=b+3a-3a+c-c p-3a-c=b b=p-3a-c
For this problem, assume q is 100. So, if p is 40 percent, that would mean 40/100 which equals .4 or 40 percent. So, 100/40 equal 2.5 or 250 percent. If p is 40 percent of q, then q is 250 percent of p.
apex XD 0.140.14
It is not possible to answer this question with the amount of information provided.
It means the answer is -11p.
Trombones in the Big Parade
If a remains the right triangle, No
True. Sing a song of sixpence,a pocketful of rye.Four and twenty BlackBirds,Baked in a Pie.