Divide the minutes by 60 and that will be your decimal.
A fraction can be turned into a decimal figure. Divide the bottom into the top to get your decimal figure. Then work in decimals.
As far as I'm aware, decimals cannot have equivalents unless you add zeroes after the last figure in the decimal place. I.e. 0.1030, 0.10300. Equivalent fractions are 103/1000, 206/2000
Prime factorization refers to integers.
You can't 'get rid' of them - if the problem creates them in the answer. You can, however, manually round the answer up or down to a more manageable figure.
no a figure can never have 2 decimals... you can verify from this... 5/2=2.5 thus we can say that a figure can have only one decimal
Divide the minutes by 60 and that will be your decimal.
Integers are whole numbers without decimals or fractions.
A fraction can be turned into a decimal figure. Divide the bottom into the top to get your decimal figure. Then work in decimals.
About 115 in three significants, no decimals!
without decimals you wouldn't be able to figure out how much money you have, you wouldn't be able to get exact temperature you would have to round it off.
It's the one that is a whole number by itself. No fractions, decimals, variables...
when they have to figure out how to take a crap ha ha ha
Prime factorizations are just for integers, not decimals.
convert them to decimals or percentages first to figure out the order then write the answers as fractions
One half is larger. You can either use cross-multiplying or decimals to figure this out. One half in decimals is 0.5 while one third is only 0.3333333(3 continuing).
As far as I'm aware, decimals cannot have equivalents unless you add zeroes after the last figure in the decimal place. I.e. 0.1030, 0.10300. Equivalent fractions are 103/1000, 206/2000