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Q: How do you figure out how to do percents of a number?
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What percent is 100 of 140?

It is pretty easy to figure out percents; just divide the first number by the second number and then multiply by 100 and you get a percent. 100/140 is 71.4%.

How many percents is 25?

25 is 25% of 100 unless you have another figure in mind

Why do you use percents?

Percents are basically decimals, and we use decimals as numbers with extra, tiny proportions. Percents are just ways to make those decimals into a whole, more friendlier number. But, percents can also be made with decimals as well.

How are decimals and percents similar?

They are both part of a larger number

How do you figure your math average by percents?

First, you add up your percents; e.g. 80 + 90 + 70 = 260. Then, you divide that sum by the number of percent values you added; e.g. there were three percent values in the above example, 80, 90, and 70, so you would divide the above sum by three, 260 / 3 = 86.666.

What is 32 out of 45 in percents?

It is: 71% to the nearest whole number

How do you find percents given two numbers?

Number that you have received divided by total number multiplied by 100. Example: You revieved 40 marks out of a total of 42 40/42 = 0.9523... 0.9523 x 100 = 95.2 % this is soo hard i cant figure it out

How do you change percents to frations?

by putting the number over a hundred or thousand...etc..

Who invented percents?

No one invented percents.

What are the percents of India's religion?

20 percents


percents are numbers over 100

What is expressing rational numbers as percents?

It is finding an equivalent number whose denominator is 100.