In simple terms length times width. if a room is 10 feet by 14 feet, the square feet is 140 feet. The square footage of a home is determined by the amount of air conditioned square feet it contains. This does not include garages or attic space.
width x length divided by 144 will give you square ft.
get some book n figure it out fushers
you figure lengtH TIMES WIDTH TIMES heigth then add material cost per foot
Dollars and square are entirely different units. Dollars is a measure of quantity of money; Square feet measure area. There is no general connection between these two things. In order to figure the connection you would have to additional information.
1 square foot = 0.093 square metres = 929 sq cm.
figure at least 100 dollars a square foot this will get you in the ballpark
201750/53800 = 3.75 per square foot each year
width x length divided by 144 will give you square ft.
a square foot is simply a square that is 1 foot by 1 foot if the area you need to measure is 3 feet by 6 feet you have 18 square feet (3 x 6 = 18) if the area is 10 feet by 10 feet you have 100 square feet (10 x 10 = 100) hope this helps!
No one answer, since it depends on the shape of the 400 square foot figure. If it is a square 20x20, then the diagonal is about 28.25 ft.
get some book n figure it out fushers
Figure about $105
you figure lengtH TIMES WIDTH TIMES heigth then add material cost per foot
The square foot measure of a storage shed would normally refer to it's footprint - its length times its width. It would NOT take account of its height.
figure up to 100.00 per square foot depending on where you live