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Look up the formula in a statistics text book or on the web and use that. This browser is not really up to displaying statistical formulae.

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Q: How do you figure out standard deviation?
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Related questions

What are the assumptions of standard deviation?

The standard deviation is the standard deviation! Its calculation requires no assumption.

What does the sample standard deviation best estimate?

The standard deviation of the population. the standard deviation of the population.

What is standard deviation of 155.45?

The standard deviation is 0.

If quartile deviation is 24. find mean deviation and standard deviation?

Information is not sufficient to find mean deviation and standard deviation.

What is the relationship between standard deviation and variance?

Standard deviation is the square root of the variance.

What is the difference between standard error of mean and standard deviation of means?

Standard error of the mean (SEM) and standard deviation of the mean is the same thing. However, standard deviation is not the same as the SEM. To obtain SEM from the standard deviation, divide the standard deviation by the square root of the sample size.

What is the standard deviation of a standard normal distribution?

The standard deviation in a standard normal distribution is 1.

Why do we need the standard deviation?

The standard deviation is a measure of the spread of data.

What is the standard deviation of 9?

You need more than one number to calculate a standard deviation, so 9 does not have a standard deviation.

Explain the purpose of calculating standard deviation and quartile deviation?

Standard deviation helps planners and administrators to arrive at a figure that could be used to determine a range that can effectively describe a given set of numerical information/data; and based on which a decision concerning a system of those data can be made.

Difference Standard Deviation of a portfolio?

difference standard deviation of portfolio

What is the symbol for standard deviation?

The symbol for standard deviation is sigma , σ.