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-- Add the lengths of the two 'bases' (the two parallel sides).

-- Multiply the sum by the height of the trapezoid.

-- Take 1/2 of the product. That's the trapezoid's area.

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Q: How do you figure out the area of a trapazoid?
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How do you find area of a trapazoid?

You multiply the width and the length, which is the top and the side and there you have your area

What is the formula for area of trapazoid?

Area = 0.5*(sum of parallel sides)*height

How do you find the base of a trapazoid when you have the height and area?

Area = Base * Height so Base = Area/Height

What is the area and volume trapazoid?

Area of a trapezoid = (1/2) x (height) x (top length + bottom length). A trapezoid has no volume. It's a 2-dimensional (flat) figure that can be drawn on a piece of paper, and holds no water.

How do you find the area formula for the trapazoid?

Area in square units = 0.5*(sum of parallel sides)*height

What is the area formula for a trapazoid?

.it is base 1 +base 2 ÷2 ×hight.get it?

How do you find the area of trapazoid?

I dont know do i look like your friggen math teacher:$grrr.

What is the area of a trapazoid that is 9inch and 5inch and 3 inch height?

Area = 0.5*(9+5)*3 = 21 square inches