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Q: How do you figure out what something is made of?
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How you can figure out if someone is telling you something made up?

By their voice,body language, and story.

What word means to figure out?

Understand or understanding means to figure something out. Contemplating or contemplate can also be used to figure something out.

How do you say 'to get the hang of something' or 'to figure something out' in spanish?

entender cómo hacer algo (to understand how to so something) descifrar (to figure out)

How do you relate something to something?

You figure out what they have in common - what is similar about the two things. Sometimes you have to think hard to figure it out.

How do you figure 40 percent of something?

You multiply that something by 0.4

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figure as in number or figure something out.

What do you do when you think god made you as a mistake?

Do not think that. God makes everyone for a Reason. You just need to figure out what he made you for. Think of something you like or would like to do and try it and maybe that's just what he made you for!

How do you tell if something has rotational symmetry?

A figure has rotational symmetry if you can turn it about a figure.

What does realize mean?

1. Understood. "I realized why she was angry with me." 2. Made real. "He realized his plans for the worlds biggest pyrogi."

What word means to figure out what something is?

Solve -_-

What does it mean to decipher something?

To decode or figure out

What should be perfect figure size of a girl who is 25 years old with 5ft 8 inch height?

The perfect figure size is not given in numbers. As long as you are healthy and not grossly overweight, then realize that you are you, and the perfect figure size is yours. Besides, would you want a figure that made men like you for something other than who you are as a person?