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π is pi, a constant whose value is commonly rounded to 3.14, or for greater accuracy, 3.14159, though in truth the decimal places are infinite

r^2 is the radius (r) of the circle to the second power; this mathematical procedure is called squaring a number, which in this case would be "r squared;" the unit of measurement used to describe r will be the unit of measurement describing the area of the circle, thus a radius measurement in centimeters would have to first be converted to inches if the desired outcome is square inches

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Q: How do you figure square inches for a circle?
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How do you measure a circle to get square inches?

Area of a circle in square inches = pi*radius2 in inches

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The circle's area is: 28.27 square inches.

What is the area of an 8 inch circle?

If the circle has a diameter of 8 inches, it's 50.265 square inches. If the circle has a radius of 8 inches, it's 201.06193 square inches. In the odd case that the circle has a circumference of 8 inches, it's 5.09296 square inches.

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The radius of a circle with an area of 35 square inches is 3.34 inches.

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If the area of a circle is 20 square inches the diameter is: 5.046 inches.

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The radius of a circle with an area of 706.50 square inches is: 15 inches.

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A circle with a radius of 26 inches has an area of: 2,124 square inches.

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The area of a circle with a diameter of 12 inches is: 113.1 square inches.

How many square inches are in a 4 inch circle?

Area of circle in square inches = pi*radius squared

If you have a circle 2 inches across how many square inches is that?

3.141 square inches

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The area of the circle is 1,256.6 square inches.