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If your question is asking: "What number can be divided by (3 percentages that equal 100%), then the answer is: "Any number divided by 100% equals the original number. For example: 100 / (40%+30%+30%)= 100/100% = 100/1 = 100

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Q: How do you figure the original amount when divided 3 ways by 40 percent 30 percent 30 percent?
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simple - first off "percent" literally means "per onehundred". Your original amount is 100% of the value. using division, you take the new amount & divide by the original amount - this gives you the percentage that remains, subtract this from 100. Example: Original price is $15.00, new price is $12.00, $12.00 divide by $15.00 = 0.80 or 80%. 100% - 80% = 20% , Your percentage off is 20%.

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