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You weigh it, failing that ability you need to know the composition, density and dimensions.

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Q: How do you figure weight of an object suspended at a 90 degree angle?
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If an object is suspended in a fluid neither sinking nor floating?

The object is in equilibrium, with the forces of buoyancy and gravity balanced. This means that the weight of the fluid displaced by the object is equal to the weight of the object itself.

When gravity acts on the mas of an object it causes the object to have what?

When gravity acts on the mass of an object, it causes the object to have weight. Weight is the force of gravity acting on an object's mass, and it gives the object its downward push or pull towards the Earth's center.

What is the method of finding the volume of an object where its weight in air is compared to its wight suspended in water?

The Buoancy Method.

Infer an object floats in a fluid.?

If an object floats in a fluid, it means that the weight of the object is equal to the buoyant force exerted by the fluid on the object. This equilibrium allows the object to remain suspended in the fluid without sinking or rising.

What is the up thrust on the body?

The upthrust on a body is a buoyant force that acts against the weight of an object placed in a fluid. It is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. The upthrust helps objects float or stay suspended in a fluid.

When a 10 newton object is suspended at rest by a string only the?

The tension in the string is equal to the weight of the object, which is 10 newtons, since the object is at rest. This is because the forces acting on the object must be balanced in order for it to remain stationary.

What are the different types of upthrust?

Positive upthrust: when the buoyant force acting on an object is greater than its weight, causing it to float. Neutral upthrust: when the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the object, causing it to remain suspended in a fluid. Negative upthrust: when the buoyant force is less than the weight of the object, causing it to sink.

Why can an object float?

An object can float when the buoyant force acting on it is greater than its weight. This occurs when the object is less dense than the fluid it is submerged in, causing it to displace an amount of fluid equal to its own weight. As a result, the object floats at the surface of the fluid.

In order for an object to have neutral buoyancy what would the relationship between the density of the object and the density of the fluid have to be?

For an object to have neutral buoyancy, its density must be equal to the density of the fluid it is immersed in. This means that the weight of the fluid displaced by the object is equal to the weight of the object itself, resulting in no net force acting on the object, allowing it to remain suspended in the fluid.

Why does weight of an object decrease it immersed into a fluid.what is it relation of density in this aspect?

The weight of an object submerged in a fluid decreases because the fluid exerts an upward buoyant force on the object that partially offsets the force of gravity pulling it downward. The buoyant force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. The relationship between the density of the object and the fluid determines whether an object sinks, floats, or remains suspended in the fluid.

This force acts upwards on objects suspended in water or air what is it?

The force acting upwards on objects suspended in water or air is called buoyancy. It is caused by the pressure difference between the top and bottom of the object, pushing it upwards. buoyancy force is determined by the volume of the displaced fluid.

What will happen if an object that is the same density of water is placed in it?

If an object with the same density as water is placed in water, it will remain suspended at the same level without sinking or floating. This is known as neutral buoyancy, where the object's weight is equal to the water's buoyant force, resulting in it neither sinking nor floating.