18 is what percent of 40= 18 / 40= 0.45Converting decimal to a percentage:0.45 * 100 = 45%
18 is 40% of 45.
40 percent off 18 is a reduction of 7.2 for a final total of 10.8
18 is what percent of 45= 18 / 45= 0.4Converting decimal to a percentage:0.4 * 100 = 40%
18 is what percent of 40= 18 / 40= 0.45Converting decimal to a percentage:0.45 * 100 = 45%
18 is 40% of 45.
40 percent off 18 is a reduction of 7.2 for a final total of 10.8
45 divided by 40 percent = 112.5
18 is what percent of 45= 18 / 45= 0.4Converting decimal to a percentage:0.4 * 100 = 40%
40% of 45 is 18, which is 10% of 180.
45 / 100 x 40 = 18 So the answer is 18.
60% of 12 = 7.27.2 is 40% of 18
18 is 40% of 45.
45% of 40 = 45% * 40 = 0.45 * 40 = 18