To find out 77 percent of something, just multiply that something to 0.77.
Multiply the 'something' by 0.333 . (Note: If you divide it by 3 instead, the result you get will be about 0.1% too big.)
.3 * 250 = 75 .3 is equal to 30% of something.
To find 7 percent of something, multiply that something to the decimal equivalent of 7% which is 0.07. Example: What is 7% of 100? 7% of 100 = 7% * 100 = 0.07 * 100 = 7
Multiply the number by 0.051
To find out 77 percent of something, just multiply that something to 0.77.
Find 10% then times the 10% by 3 (to find 10% divide something by 10)
Multiply the 'something' by 0.333 . (Note: If you divide it by 3 instead, the result you get will be about 0.1% too big.)
You can find out 20% of something by Xing it by 0.2
You type the number in then percent it by the number you want
I assume you mean how to find 75% of something. Divide by 100, multiply by 75
.3 * 250 = 75 .3 is equal to 30% of something.
To work out a percentage, the first thing to do is work out what ONE percent of the "something" is. you do this by dividing the "something" by 100 (percent means 100). Therefore 5800/100 = 58 58= 1% of 5800 It then follows that 3% of 5800 must be Three times the value for 1%. (58). 3*58 = 174 174 = 3% of 5800
To find 3 percent of anything - multiply it by 100 and divide the result by 3.
Multiply it by .06
Divide by Dorgu