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Q: How do you find Awhen CDE divided by AFG equals B squared?
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What you do is, diameter divided by two, then multiply the diamter already divided in half multiplying by itself, then you would times the squared radius by pie(3.14) Example; diameter is 6 divided in half equals 2 because 6 divided by 3 equals two then spuare it which will be 4, then times it by pie or 3.14 :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

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area= Pi x r-squared (25) divided by 3.14 = (3.14 x r-squared) divided by 3.14 (7.96) find the square root = (r-squared) find the square root 1.4 = radius

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A squared plus 2a squared equals c squared?

A squared plus B squared equals C squared. It is the Pythagorean theorem.To do this you would find the two short sides of a right triangle. Then for one short side find the length and multiply it by itself and for the other short side do the same thing. After that add those two up and and find the square root of it. That number you have there is C aka hypotenuse aka the long side. :)

Ten x squared minus 17 x equals 63?

actually,10x squared minus 17 equals 63 would come out to x equals the square root of work this out, you would first at 17 to both sides to get 10x squared alone.63 plus 17 equals 80. you now have 10x squared equals 80. then divide each side by ten to get x squared alone. 80 divided by 10 equals 8. now you have x squared equals eight. finally, to find x, you find the square root of each side. x squared's square root is x, and 8's square root is 2.82842712 but I'm assuming you only have to write out x=√8.but the other answer was a good try:)Improved Answer:-10x2-17x = 6310x2-17x-63 = 0When factored: (5x+9)(2x-7) = 0Therefore the roots of the quadratic equation are: x = -9/5 and x = 7/2

What is the formula a squared plus b squared equals c squared is used to find?

It is the pythagorean theorem. Used in finding the lengths of sides of right angled triangles.

If the area of a circle is 25 square units what is the radius of the circle?

area equals pi r squared therefor r squared equals area over pi. Now find square root of r squared and you have "R" (radius) = 2.821

How do you find time from the formula Velocity equals initial velocity plus gravity times time squared?

vf=vi+at² simplifying making vi=0, v=at²t²=v/at=√v/atime equals square root of velocity divided by acceleration (or gravity)