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he is interested in the flame boy (axel blaze) you must have him in your party and go to the light house in the city of okinawa and go to the roof there you find him and you must fight with him to get him but its difficult to defeat him i founded him but stil i dont defeated him (even get no goal)so if you now how to defeat him tell me please (sorry for bad english) by the way my email adress is basvanzanten@gmail.com
It means you should find the bold number 11 in the book of the Bible referenced, and then look for the small number 11, the 11th verse.
Go to Central Park the talk to this boy on the top part of the beach then you will get a item which is phone got to your items and use it then beat team ogre go back to central park to this old man who is standing near some trees near the beach talk to him and go to the map and you will unlock Mt.Magneto go there complete the maze and if you end up on a blue field it means you are at the place where you battle messengers of the sky.
Prime numbers, raised to a power, have one more factor than their exponents. The smallest prime number is 2. 210 has eleven factors. 210 = 1024
11/25 is the same as 0.44 and 0.44 times 2500 = 1100
To find Aphrodite in Inazuma Eleven 2, you have to go to Tokyo, and then to Inazuma Tower's pond. He is there randomly, so you may have to leave and enter this area a couple times to finally find him.
you cant find him
there is only one movie of inazuma eleven and it is still in theaters in japan and no one will record it there but for inazuma eleven episodes go to http://www.goodanime.net Improved by: ASM4ever Until now since even the Inazuma Eleven GO movie isn't published yet, you can find Inazuma Eleven Movie Ogre Saikyou Gakuen subbed in www.anime44.com, with all Inazuma Eleven episodes and Inazuma Eleven GO episode 1 -> 20, soon 21 will come with Kogure and Masaki appearing, also all of them are subbed!
Yasunori Mitsuda, the music composer of the Inazuma Eleven anime/game music and co-composer in the third season and Inazuma Eleven GO, distributes his music in books, which you can buy online. See related link for more details. None free online yet, though. :(
There are many codes for Action Replay. See the related links for more details.
no, but you have a special trick to get aphrodite. You can find it at youtube but i didn't try it because i don't have the game now so i don't now if it work. It is called 'Inazuma eleven 2 blizzard: how to get byron love/aphrodite
In Inazuma Eleven 2 Blizzard, the teams are spread across various locations on the game map. Some of the teams can be found in locations such as Raimon Jr. High, Raimon’s Training Hall, Inazuma Town, and various other locations. You'll need to explore the map to find and challenge all the teams in the game.
Go to the shopping market and then all way east, enter building on end of east and then east again, u will find him there
In Inazuma Eleven 2 Blizzard, Kevin can be recruited after completing the game in the post-game content. You can find Kevin at Cotarl's house in Okinawa by talking to him, and then he will join your team when you challenge and defeat him in a match.
you get him in the river bank once you beat raimon subs 1 at mary times,you find him below to the footbal stadium at the river
I don't him him athlough i WANT HIM i'll give a wild guess.. Have you Scouted Him Conection Map Recruted him walked over EVERYWHERE TALKING TO EVERYONE PLEASE SEND SOMEFINK BACK!