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The general form of a quadratic is "y = ax2 + bx + c". For graphing, the leading coefficient "a" indicates how "fat" or how "skinny" the parabola will be.

For | a | > 1 (such as a = 3 or a = -4), the parabola will be "skinny", because it grows more quickly (three times as fast or four times as fast, respectively, in the case of our sample values of a). For

| a | < 1 (such as a = 1/3 or a = -1/4 ), the parabola will be "fat", because it grows more slowly (one-third as fast or one-fourth as fast, respectively, in the examples). Also, if a is negative, then the parabola is upside-down.

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Q: How do you find a quadratic equation from a graph?
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The graph of a quadratic equation is called a?

The graph of a quadratic equation is called a parabola.The graph of a quadratic equation is called a parabola.The graph of a quadratic equation is called a parabola.The graph of a quadratic equation is called a parabola.

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When you graph the quadratic equation, you have three possibilities... 1. The graph touches x-axis once. Then that quadratic equation only has one solution and you find it by finding the x-intercept. 2. The graph touches x-axis twice. Then that quadratic equation has two solutions and you also find it by finding the x-intercept 3. The graph doesn't touch the x-axis at all. Then that quadratic equation has no solutions. If you really want to find the solutions, you'll have to go to imaginary solutions, where the solutions include negative square roots.

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It is the graph of a quadratic equation of the formy = ax^2 + bx + c

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The graph of a quadratic equation has the shape of a parabola.

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The graph of a quadratic equation is a parabola

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The graph (on Cartesian coordinates) of a quadratic equation is a parabola.

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Draw the graph of the equation. the solution is/are the points where the line cuts the x(horisontal) axis .

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Graph the equation then find the x intercepts.

What is the difference between linear and quadratic equations?

A linear equation has the form of mx + b, while a quadratic equation's form is ax2+bx+c. Also, a linear equation's graph forms a line, while a quadratic equation's graph forms a parabola.

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You should always use the vertex and at least two points to graph each quadratic equation. A good choice for two points are the intercepts of the quadratic equation.

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A parabola.