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The angle of depression of a point is the angle between the line joining that point and the point of observation and the horizontal from the point of observation.

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Q: How do you find angle of depression?
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What is the angle of depression?

The angle of depression is looking at an object below your line of sight.

What is the difference between angle of Elevation and angle of Depression?

Angle of elevation is looking upwards to an object and angle of depression is looking downwards to an object

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Q: Consider a zip rider having a zip line of length 5277 ft and its vertical drop as1314 ft. Find its angle of depression.?

What does angle of depression in geometry mean?

It is the alternate angle to the angle of elevation

What is angle of Depression?

Angle of depression is the angle between a horizontal line and the line joining the observer's eye to some object beneath the horizontal line. ^_^

What instrument measures angle of elevation and angle of depression?

A sextant.

From the top of a lookout tower, a ranger spots a forest fire at a 30° angle of depression and the near end of the fire at a 40° angle of depression. The tower is 105 feet tall.Do you have enough information to find the length of the forest fire?


2. The angle of depression of the top and bottom of a tower as seen from the top of a 100m high cliff are 300 and 600 respectively. Find the height of the tower.?

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What is the mathematical definition of angle of depression?

Angle of depression is defined as the angle between the horizontal line and the line joining the observer's line of sight to an object below the observer's eye sight. You can be on top of a building and an object is situated on the ground, and the angle between your horizontal line and the object is the angle of depression.

What is depression in trigonometry?

The angle of depression is looking downwards to an object from the horizontal

What is the angle of measurement below a horizontal line called?

angle of depression.

About how long is a shadow of an 80 ft tall oak tree if the angle of the sun is 40 degrees?

It depends on the angle of depression of the sun. The answer would be 80ft * tan(90-angle of depression) At a depression angle of 40 degrees, the shadow would be 80 * tan (50) which equals 95.340ft