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You cannot. The circle could be located anywhere on a plane.

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Q: How do you find center of the circle with radius only?
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Where do you find the radius?

A radius is the distance from the center point of a circle to the outside. To find the radius, you'd draw a line from the center of a circle straight out until it hits the circle itself, then measure the length of the line you just drew. If you are given a diagram where only the diameter is shown (the distance from one side of the circle to the other), just take half the diameter.

One radius of a circle is the same length as any other radius of any other radius?

The radius is the distance from the center of the circle to its edge. No matter how you draw this radius, it is one value of one length only, for any given circle.

What is it called when a line goes halfway across a circle?

The radius of a circle is one half of the circle's diameter, any line going from the center of the circle to the circle itself. A line connecting other points on a circle (or on any curve) is called a chord.

A line segment that is only half through the circle?

If you mean a line that gous from the center of a circle to the edge of the circle, that is a radius.

How do you find the radius of a circle if you only know the area?

Radius = +sqrt(Area/pi)

How do you find the area of a circle by only knowing the radius?

Since the area of a circle is pi times radius squared, take the radius and square it. Then, multiply that by 3.14, or pi to get the area of the circle.

Is there only two radius's in a circle?

Technically there are an infinite number of radii in a circle. A radius is a line from the center of the circle to a point on its edge, and since there are an infinite number of points on a circle's edge there are an infinite number of radii.

What is the required piece of information tho find the area of a circle?

The only piece of information required to find the area of a circle is the radius of the circle. Once you know the radius of the circle, the area is simply the radius squared multiplied by pi (approximately 3.14).

How do you find the area of a circle if you only know its circumference?

Divide its circumference by 2*pi which will give the radius of the circle. Area of the circle then is pi*radius squared

Does a diameter go all the way across or halfway across a circle?

A diameter goes all the way across a circle through the center. A radius goes half way across, from the center to any point on the circle. So a circle's diameter is two times its radius.All the way through the centre of the circle but the radius only goes half way from the centre of the circle

How do you find the equator of a circle if you only know the radius?

Multiply the radius by 2, and then by pi. pi=3.141592654...

How is a chord different from a radius?

A chord touches two points on the circumference of a circle whereas a radius touches only one point from its center.