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Q: How do you find command line arguments as integer in shell scripting?
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What is the purpose of using echo command?

The echo command echoes out any of the command line arguments given to it. It is commonly used in shell scripts to echo what portions of the shell script are doing.

What is bash shell scripting?

Bash shell scripting is the process of writing a series of commands in a text file that are recognized by the bash shell interpreter.

Which command entered without arguments is used to display a list of processes running in the current shell?

The 'ps' command without arguments will give a summary of those processes running in the current environment.

What is scripting in Linux?

"Shell Script is series of command written in plain text file. Shell script is just like batch file in MS-DOS but have more power than the MS-DOS batch file."

What is shell scripting?

Shell scripting is scripting that uses the Windows Script Host shell. While the above answer may be true for Windows based systems, for Unix and Unix-like systems shell scripting is the ability to create a file of commands and to have them executed automatically, including unattended operation. It is used in the cases where one wishes to automate a process with a given series of commands to be used many times. Shell scripting allows one to automate processes, thereby reducing errors and misspellings by putting the commands in a file and telling the system to execute the commands.

Explain unix shell scripting commands in detail?

This depends widely on the actual shell environment you are using. I suggest you take a look at the YouTube videos, which cover the various scripting elements in detail.

Difference between perl scripting and shell scripting?

Perl is a scripting language. It is not, however, a shell scripting language because Perl is not a shell program. A shell program is one that usually interacts with a user and provides certain user interface abilities. Perl was not designed for that purpose. You can certainly program a shell to operate in various fashions. A shell script is usually provided for redundant tasks and series of commands, unattended operation, and so forth. Perl is a "kitchen sink" of ways to interact with data, databases, networks, and so forth. It is a great language for manipulating text in various ways.

Where can someone go to learn more about shell script?

Linux shell scripting tutorials are available as pdf files or videos where a lecturer speaks over a video of a computer console. This is where you can watch someone code in the bash environment and follow along.

How do you write a statement in DOS using shell script to display a word?

We can not perform Shell Scripting in DOS, we can do Batch programing in DOS..

I am currently using windows XP2. For practice purpose i want to use UNIX shell scripting. Without installing UNIX OS how can i use the UNIX shell scripting?

You should be able to download the Unix Services for Windows, version 3.5, from Microsoft (free). There are other shell emulators that are available for Windows, which would allow you to use Unix type shell scripting without installing any additional OS. Your question about "virtual UNIX" is unclear ..

What shell was developed as the first UNIX command processor?

The first command shell was 'sh', the Bourne shell (Steven Bourne).

What is the difference between interactive use of shell command and running a shell?

In an interactive shell session the shell program waits for the user to type in a command. When receiving a command the shell program will then attempt to locate it and process (execute) the command. You are interacting with the shell. Running a shell file requires a pre-stored series of commands stored in a file. Unless the shell program you are running is interactive then the shell executes each command in sequence, without involving the user at all.