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Suppose the two masses are m1 and m2. Their initial velocities are u1 and u2 and final velocities are v1 and v2.

Then, using conservation of momentum.

m1*u1 + m2*u2 = m1*v1 + m2*v2

Both m1 and m2 are given. Their initial velocities u1 and u2 are given and one of the two final velocities v1 and v2 is given which leaves only one unknown. So substitute all those values and calculate away.

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Q: How do you find final velocity given mass of both objects and there initial velocities and one of their final velocities?
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When is acceleration equals half of the sum of initial and final velocities?

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How do you find final and initial velocities with the average velocity?

You can't.You only know what half the sum of (initial + final) is, (it's the average), but you don't know what the initial and final are.

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The change in velocity is the final velocity minus the initial velocity. For example, if the initial velocity is 10 m/s and the final velocity is 20 m/s, the change in velocity is 10 m/s.

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The final velocities of the gliders after a perfectly elastic collision will also be equal and opposite to their initial velocities. This is due to the conservation of momentum and kinetic energy in elastic collisions.

How do you calculate an objects acceleration?

Acceleration is an object's change in velocity divided by its change in time. So: acceleration=(final velocity - initial velocity)/(final time - initial time)

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The average velocity of a body with non-uniform acceleration can be calculated by taking the average of the initial and final velocities over the time interval. This is done by adding the initial and final velocities and dividing by 2. Mathematically, the formula for average velocity is (v_initial + v_final) / 2.

When are final and initial velocities taken ball kicked at 30 degrees at 10ms?

Initial velocity is 10 m/s in the direction it was kicked. Final velocity is 0, when friction and air resistance finally causes it to come to a halt.

is it correct that the average velocity is always equal to the mean value of initial and final velocities?

No, the average velocity is calculated as the total displacement divided by the total time taken to travel that distance. It is not simply the mean of the initial and final velocities.

What is a car's acceleration between 25 s and 30 s?

To find the acceleration between 25 s and 30 s, you would need to know the initial and final velocities during that time interval. Acceleration is calculated as the change in velocity over time. Once you have the velocities at 25 s and 30 s, you can use the formula: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time.

What does it mean when final and initial velocity are the same?

When the final and initial velocities are the same, it means that the object's velocity hasn't changed over time. This could indicate that the object is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line.

How to get initial accelaraion?

To calculate initial acceleration, you need to determine the change in velocity over time. Initial acceleration can be calculated using the formula a = (v - u) / t, where a is the acceleration, v is the final velocity, u is the initial velocity, and t is the time taken. By plugging in the values for initial and final velocities, along with the time taken for the change, you can find the initial acceleration.

Can the effect of initial velocity on final velocity be predicted?

Well, (final velocity) = (initial velocity) + (acceleration x time)