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take how many miles the flight was and then divide by how long it was..

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Q: How do you find miles per hour traveled by plane?
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By plane 365 miles per hour for 1.75 hours?

638.75 miles traveled.

What is the speed of a plane if has traveled 1624 miles in 8.5 hours?

191.06 miles per hour.

What is the average rate of plane in miles per hour that traveled 900 miles in 2.5 hours?

900/2.5 = 360 miles per hour

What is the velocity of a plane that traveled 3000 miles west in 5 hours?

600 miles per hour due West

If a plane traveled at a constant speed of 375 miles per hour for six hours how far did the plane travel?

Please use the formula: distance = speed x time

How fast would a jet have to be flying to go 150 miles in 3 minutes?

3 minutes is 1/20 of an hour. If a plane traveled 150 miles in 3 minutes, by multiplying that amount by 20, it would tell you how far the plane could go in 1 hour, therefore, how many miles per hour the plane was traveling. So, for a plane to travel 150 miles in 3 minutes it would have to be moving at a whopping 3,000 mph!!

If a plane is going 300 miles an hour how many feet per second will it travel in 4 hours?

A plane going 300 miles per hour is going 440 feet per second. (300 * 5280 / 60 / 60) In four hours, it will have traveled 1,200 miles, or 6,336,000 feet.

A plane traveled 300kl in half an hour how far did it travel in a quarter of an hour?


If an aircraft is flying at 300 knots.what is the distance traveled in 10 minutes?

50 Nautical Miles Assuming this is ground speed. 1 Knot is 1 nautical mile per hour. This plane in one hour would have traveled 300 nautical miles. There is 60 minutes in one hour so to find out how many miles per minute, take the 300 and divide them by 60, this gives you 5 nautical miles per minute. To finally get your answer multiply 5 nautical miles times the amount of minutes 10, which gives you the answer of 50.

If you travel 612 miles on a plane in an hour how how fast is the plane going?

612 miles per hour or 612 mph

What is the velocity of a plane that traveled 3000 miles from New York to California in 5 hours?

Its average speed is (3000/5) = 600 miles per hour.

What does 760 miles per hour mean?

It means a distance of 760 miles is traveled every hour.