The number value hundred (one hundred, 100) is a cardinal number. The adjective form is hundredth, which can also represent a fractional value (one one-hundredth = 1/100).
One thousand seven hundredth.
42.01 = forty two and one one hundredth.
One hundredth.
Sqrt(27.05) is one such number. Its decimal approximation, to the nearest hundredth, is 5.20 - but to the nearest thousandth is is 5.201
This doesn't make any sense. You must pick one number in this number for this question to be answered.
solution 286339
The number value hundred (one hundred, 100) is a cardinal number. The adjective form is hundredth, which can also represent a fractional value (one one-hundredth = 1/100).
One thousand seven hundredth.
100 1/100
42.01 = forty two and one one hundredth.