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It doesn't matter whether it's a straight beam or a curve, you calculate moments the same way. The moment is a force multiplied by its perpendicular distance from the point of rotation.

There is one thing you will need to consider while preparing your mobile, the location of the center of mass of the curved pieces. If you are using a rectangular piece of wood, for example, the COM is located at the the midpoint of the length and of the width. So, you can support the piece at the COM.

With a curve, the COM could be at a point in the space around the object. Think of a donut - it's COM is in the middle of the hole. You could have a harder time getting everything into equilibrium.

It's not a monumental challenge to overcome, just something for you to think about as you layout your pieces. Good luck.

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Q: How do you find out clockwise and anti clockwise moment?
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