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Check with local law enforcement.

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Q: How do you find out if a gun is stolen?
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How did you find out if a gun is stolen or not?

Ask a police officer

In CA what do you do if you find a gun you reported stolen?

Contact the police.

Where can I go to find registry about a gun stolen from me after a report was filed on the gun when I shot myself with the gun accidentally?

You need a lawyer.

How can you find the serial numbers for firearms after they have been stolen?

Go to the seller where you purchased the gun.

Is there a website to find out if a gun is stolen?

There are two or three, but, they are only good if the sn is listed.

How do you find out if a fire arm is stolen?

Contact local law enforcement. Give them the gun, and ask if they will check the NCIC data base (as a private citizen, you do not have access to that system). If the gun IS stolen, it will be confiscated by the police, and you may have to testify in a stolen property trial.

Find out if your gun is stolen?

Contact your local law enforcement. They can check to see if the serial number has been entered as a stolen item. IF there is a report, the officer will need to retain the gun to return it to the owner. They WILL need to have the gun in hand to do this, not over the phone.

How to find about stoleing gun's how do you find out if a gun is stolening?

Depending on where you are, a local gun shop may be able to run a stolen gun request for you. You can do that in Tennessee, *IF* your local gun shop is willing to do it. Otherwise, you will probably have to check with the local Police Department.

Where online can you find out if a gun has been stolen?

Probably not online, but any local police station can run the serial number and tell you. If it did turn up stolen, you wouldn't be in any trouble, but you would lose the gun.

Where can you find a registry of stolen guns in Texas?

I would contact the department of public service (State Troopers) or The Texas Rangers. There are also a few stolen gun posts on some of the bigger gun forums and databases

How do you see if my gun was stolen?

what gun are we talking about here

How do you check a serial number on a gun to find out whose name it is in?

You can't. Contact the police if you believe it is stolen.