If by "cube of 15625," you mean 156253, then you would multiply 15625*15625*15625.
If you have to do this by hand, then first multiply 15625*15625, and then multiply the product of that by 15625 again. Follow the multi-digit multiplication rules, look it up if you don't know them.
Use a ruler
Many calculators will offer a way for you to do cube roots, or what number to the power of 3 will equal that number. There is no easy way to go about finding cube roots without a calculator, so I suggest not trying too hard.. but the cube root of 7 is 1.912931182772389 found from using a simple Cube Root calculator you can find on the internet.
1.99916632 Use a calculator.
2.7589.... If you don't have cube roots on your calculator, find the logarithm of 21, divide it by 3, and find the antilog of that.
Use a ruler
Type it into a calculator
Find the cube root of the volume. You'll probably need a calculator.
Many calculators will offer a way for you to do cube roots, or what number to the power of 3 will equal that number. There is no easy way to go about finding cube roots without a calculator, so I suggest not trying too hard.. but the cube root of 7 is 1.912931182772389 found from using a simple Cube Root calculator you can find on the internet.
1.99916632 Use a calculator.
Cube root of 510 is 7.989569740454013. You can find cube roots easily by using the calculator under related links.
2.7589.... If you don't have cube roots on your calculator, find the logarithm of 21, divide it by 3, and find the antilog of that.
Don't work it out by hand; find the "x root" button on your calculator!
The best would be to use a scientific calculator, one that can calculate any root. You can also raise the number 15625 to the power (1/6) - this is the same as taking the 6th. root. Or, you can try raising several numbers to the 6th. power, until you find one that is close enough.
It is 47 by using a scientific calculator or through trial and improvement
3.68403149864039........ If you have a scientific calculator, there should be a "yx" key or maybe a "^" key. To find a cube root, use the exponent (1/3).