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to find percents using a proportion u first put the percent over 100 and put the whole number (number that you are tyring to find the percent of) over one. than you multiply those


29 500

___ times ____

100 1

than you would multiply them

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Q: How do you find percents using a proportion?
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How is a proportion like a fraction?

A proportion is when you make fractions into percents

How are percents and porportions alike?

A percent is a proportion based on a denominator of 100.

What is the relation between ratios percents and proportions?

A proportion is a statement about the equality of two ratios.A percentage can be understood as a proportion in which one of the denominators is 100.

How can you set up a proportion for percents?

to answer that is just do x=83.7*5=1129.8 1129.8/1000=0.11298=11298%

How do you find 10 percent of 400 without writing a proportion?

Multiply 0.1 by 400 to get 40. This is how you find 10% of 400 without using proportion.

When do you compare using ratios percents and rates and when do you compare using differences?

when you are specifically comparing 2 sets of data (2 #'s, 2 percents, 2 rates ect.)

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When using percents what does the letter b stand for?

percent of base

Why is proportions important?

Proportions are important because they provide a way to compare different parts of a whole in a meaningful and standardized manner. They allow for clear communication and analysis of data, helping to understand relationships and make informed decisions. In various fields such as statistics, mathematics, and science, proportions play a crucial role in representing and interpreting information accurately.

How would you make a comparison using percents?

by simplifying the given numbers

How do you find 1 percents of 20?

multiply 20 by .01

How do you complete a proportion by using unit rates to find the missing quantity?

I do not know but if you have Alexa or google tell them and they will answer.