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It's fun to think about people who have lived 20 years having had only 5 birthdays. It also doesn't make sense. People who have lived 20 years have lived 20 years. To find someone's age, subtract their birth year from the present one. If it is January or February, subtract one from that total.

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Q: How do you find someone age if they where born on a leap year?
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How would someone age if they were born on a leap year?

People born on February 29 add one to their legal age on March 1, if the year is not a leap year.

How do you find leap year?

Find the modulo of the year by 4. If the value is 0,then it is a leap year. Otherwise it is not a leap year.

How do you find out how old you are if you are born in a leap yeap year?

well if its leap year on 2012 then figure out how many years you have been alive for and divde that by 4

What is the percent to be born on a leap year?

One in every 4 years is a leap year, so about 25% of all people are born in a leap year.

If someone is seventy one years old and was born in February what year were they born?

Since you are not specifying that it is on Leap Day, 1937.

Someone was born in 1950 and today is his 18th birthday how is it possible?

Their birthday is on February 29th. (On a leap year)

If someone is born in feburay 1976 how old are they?

they would be 34 years old, leap year not sure.

What happens if your birth date lands on leap year?

Nothing special. Apart from having one extra day, a leap year is the same as any other year. So say you were born on the 16th of June in a leap year, it is no different that being born on that date in another year. The only issue is with someone who is born on the 29th of February. It is the only date in a leap year that does not occur in other years. In other years some of those people choose to celebrate their birthday on the 28th of February and some choose to celebrate on the 1st of March. Anyone born on any other date in a leap year does not have that issue. So there is nothing in particular that happens if you are born in a leap year.

How do you find out a year that someone was born on using a calculator?

Find out how old they are, and subtract that from the year it is. For example: If someone was 14 and the year was 2020, they were born on 2006.

Can you be born on a leap year?


Was the year 1930 a leap year?

The year 1934 was not a leap year - all leap years are divisible by 4, while 1934 is not - 1934/4 = 483.5.

How do you create a flow chart for leap year?

draw a flow chart to find whether the given year is leap year or not