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Use the tangent angle of elevation which works out as 31.7497 degrees to four decimal places

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Q: How do you find the Angle Of Sun When Tree Is 6.25m And The Shadow Is 10.1m Long?
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How long is the shadow for the 74ft pole?

It depends on the angle of the sun. If the sun is at 90 degrees, immediately overhead, then the length of the shadow is 0. What is the angle of the sun?

How do you get a long shadow?

When the sun is low in the sky, the light from it hits objects and people at a shallow angle. This causes these objects and people to cast a long shadow. Long shadows can also be cast by any light source that is at a shallow angle to an object, such as a flashlight.

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An object casts a shadow whenever it is illuminated. It really has nothing to do with the angle. Regardless of the angle, it will cast a shadow. The LENGTH of the shadow it casts, however, is dependent upon the angle at which the light strikes the object. A stop sign will cast a very narrow shadow when the sun is directly overhead, for example, but will cast a very long one at sunrise or sunset.

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What is the height of the tree if it casts a shadow 146 feet long?

It depends on the time of day because the angle of the sun will determine the shadow length

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Using trigonometry the angle of elevation is 77 degrees rounded to the nearest degree

About how long is a shadow of an 80 ft tall oak tree if the angle of the sun is 40 degrees?

It depends on the angle of depression of the sun. The answer would be 80ft * tan(90-angle of depression) At a depression angle of 40 degrees, the shadow would be 80 * tan (50) which equals 95.340ft

How tall is a boy that casts a 4 ft shadow?

The height of a boy that casts a 4 foot long shadow depends on the angle of the sun. A tangent can be used to calculate his height if we know the angle of the sun using the equation: Height = shadow length x tangent of the angle of the sun. Using a calculator, it is easy to get the value of the tangent for any angle and then complete the equation.

What determines the shape of a shadow?

The shape of a shadow is determined by the direction of the light source and the object casting the shadow. The angle of the light and the distance between the object and the surface onto which the shadow is cast also play a role in shaping the shadow.

How long is a 5 foot person's shadow in a 40 degrees angle?

If the sun is 40 degrees above the horizon, a 5-ft person casts a shadow 5ft 11.5in long (rounded)

A woman casts a shadow that is 8.8 feet long how tall is the woman?

Your missing the angle of elevation or depression.

If a tree casts a shadow of fifteen meters long how tall is the tree?

Not enough information has been given to solve this problem such as: What is the angle of elevation?