There is not a Highest Common Multiple of a pair of numbers because the multiples can go on and on "forever."
When working with fractions, the number needed is the Least Common Multiple. One way to find the LCM is to list the multiples of the denominators until you find one that is common to both numbers. For example, 3 and 7:
3: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 21, 24...
7: 7, 14, 21...
21 is the LCM of 3 and 7.
This question as written has no rational answer since the value of an hcm, being infinite, is unquantifiable. If you change the hcm to GCF, you could use 6 and 8 or 24 and 2.
The greatest common multiple of any set of numbers is infinite.
Hcm of 50 and 60= 2
by finding what times what = the numbers
5 & 23
This question as written has no rational answer since the value of an hcm, being infinite, is unquantifiable. If you change the hcm to GCF, you could use 6 and 8 or 24 and 2.
2 and 3 are a pair
To find a pair of numbers with a given GCF, take the GCF number and double it. The pair of numbers is the GCF, and two times the GCF. For instance, two numbers with a GCF of 3 are 3 and 6.
The greatest common multiple of any set of numbers is infinite.
You could only find the LCM of a PAIR of numbers.
HCM Constanţa was created in 2002.
HCM Roman was created in 2001.
Hcm of 50 and 60= 2
by finding what times what = the numbers
5 & 23
2 and -6