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You Look at the angle the problem gives you

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Q: How do you find the Major arc in a circle?
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An arc of a circle that is longer than a semicircle of that circle?

Major arc is the longer of two arcs.

Is a major arc a part of the circle?


To find arc length what do you need to multiply a circle's circumference by?

the fraction of the circle covered by the arc

How do you find a major arc of a circle?

It is simply greater than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees

How to find a sector area in a circle if you have only the arc length?

If you have the arc length:where:L is the arc length.R is the radius of the circle of which the sector is part.

How would your find the fraction of a circle that an arc covers?

Use the information you have to find it. -- divide the length of the arc by the total circumference of the circle, or -- divide the central angle of the arc by 360 degrees (a full circle)

How do you find the arc in a sector?

If it is a sector of a circle then the arc is the curved part of the circle which forms a boundary of the sector.

The measure of a major arc is greater than 180?

A circle subtends 360° . Therefore. if the angle subtended at the centre of a circle by an arc is greater than 180° then this is the major arc. By comparison, the minor arc will subtend an angle less than 180°

How do you find arc of an circle when the degrees is given?

It depends on what measure related to the arc you want to find!

If the minor arc has a measure of 120 degrees what is the measure of the major arc?

A whole circle is 360 deg so the major arc is 360-120 = 240 degrees.

What is the arc in a circle that is 90 degrees?

To find the arc length, you also need to know the radius (or diameter) of the arc. The arc length is then found by finding the circumference of the full circle (2xPIxradius) and then dividing by 4 to find just one quarter of the circle (90 degrees).

What is a Major Arc?

A Mathematical Major Arc is the larger of the two arcs formed when a circle is divided into two unequal parts. Therefore as a result the measure of a major arc is always more than 180° and the sum of the measures of the major arc and the minor arc is always equal to 360°