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Q: How do you find the area in a math problem?
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How do you figure out area in a math problem?

you multiple the base by the height

What is the first step to solving problems in math?

First, you use proper English and say maths, then you have to find the problem eg if I'm finding the area of a square I would have to find out the equation to find the area. If you can find how the method of solving it the rest is easy!

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How you called the use of math to find the answer?

you have to solve the problem

Where can I find a math website that would help me with a math problem for free?

You can try this website.

What is a definition for rule in math?

the definition of rule in math is what step you need to answer a question. what should you do to answer a have to follow the rule to able to answer a problem..for example :-to find the area of a circle. you have to follow the formula of the circle . which is A= radius square pi. if u follow the rule your answer will be correct.....

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