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L=length of side

the square root of (L/2tan(pi/5))2+L2X5

Hope this helps!

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Q: How do you find the area of a pentagon with the same side lenghs?
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What do you call a triangle were no sides are the same lenghs?

A scalene triangle

How do you find the volume of a pentagonal pyramid?

Basically, the same as the volume of any other pyramid: the volume is (1/3) x base x height. The "base" refers to the area of the base; for instance, if the base is a regular pentagon, use the formula for a regular pentagon.

How do you find the perimeter of a regular pentagon if you know the length of one side?

Multiply the known length by 5, because the sides are all the same length on a regular pentagon and a pentagon has 5 sides.

Does a pentagon have all equal sides?

A pentagon has five side and the lengths do not all have to be the same, apentagon which ahs all five side the same is sometimes called a "true pentagon"

What is the difference between the pentagon and the pentagon building?

They are both the same. Pentagon is just a shorter way of saying the pentagon building. As for if you meant the shape pentagon, it is called the pentagon because it's shape is a pentagon.

Info on a pentagon shape?

a pentagon has 5 sides and not the same length

What is an irregular pentagon?

A pentagon that looks stretched out so the sides are not the same length.

Is a pentagon the same as a regular pentagon?

Not always although they both have 5 sides

Is a parellelogram the same as a regular pentagon?

A parallelogram has 4 sides; a pentagon has 5 sides.

Is the pentagon the same as the department of defense?

The Pentagon Building was built to house the Department of Defense

What is a shape that has 5 sides the same length and 5 identical angles?

pentagon pentagon

Is a house-shaped pentagon a regular pentagon?

No. A regular polygon has all sides the same length and all angles the same size. A regular pentagon has 5 angles each 108 degrees. A house-shaped pentagon does not have all angles the same size, so therefore it cannot be regular.