You get the area by using formulas. There is usually a specific formula to find the area of each shape. Some irregular shaps may not have a formula.
To find the area of a polygon, take half of the length of the perimeter and multiply it by the apothem.Apothem= the measure from the side of the figure to the center (like the radius).An expression is A=ap/2
Impossible to figure out. You did not mention any dimensions of the figure. You mush have the dimensions.
I can not tell you. It is because i do not know what shape the polygon is. You must tell me that first.
No. To be a polygon a figure must be "closed", that is, enclose an area. At least three line segments are required to enclose an area.
For example, you can divide the polygon into triangles, and calculate the area of each triangle.
To find the area of a polygon, take half of the length of the perimeter and multiply it by the apothem.Apothem= the measure from the side of the figure to the center (like the radius).An expression is A=ap/2
Impossible to figure out. You did not mention any dimensions of the figure. You mush have the dimensions.
Impossible to figure out. You did not mention any dimensions of the figure. You mush have the dimensions.
Impossible to figure out. You did not mention any dimensions of the figure. You mush have the dimensions.
area of a polygon is the amount of area inside the polygon. A square is a polygon and its area is the side length squared, ie times itself. Some polygons are harder to find the area of.
I can not tell you. It is because i do not know what shape the polygon is. You must tell me that first.
No. To be a polygon a figure must be "closed", that is, enclose an area. At least three line segments are required to enclose an area.
For example, you can divide the polygon into triangles, and calculate the area of each triangle.