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If the rod has a radius of R and a length of L, then total area = 2*pi*R*(R+L) square units.

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Q: How do you find the area of a rod?
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Where do you get Great Rod in Pokemon Diamond?

You can find a good rod on route 209 or you can find a super rod in the Fight Area.

How do you solve the area of rod?

To find the area of a rod, you need to know its shape. If the rod is cylindrical, you can calculate the surface area using the formula for the lateral surface area of a cylinder: 2πr * h, where r is the radius and h is the height of the cylinder. If the rod has a different shape, you will need to use the appropriate formula for that shape to find its area.

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You can get it from a trade, the GTS, or find it possibly in the waters between the Fight Area, the Resort Area, and the Rest Area. You can find tentacool by just surfing just about anywhere. Or, using a good rod or old rod.

On Pokemon diamond where can you find a super rod?

In the fight area.

How do you catch wilmer without super rod?

Use a good rod at an area where you can find wailmer it may take awhile but you can get it.

Whereto find super rod in Pokemon platinum?

You can get it from a fisherman at the fight area.

Where do you find great rod in Pokemon pearl?

there is no great god how ever there is a super rod u get on the fight area and theres a good rod that u get off a fishing rod hope that helped there is no great god how ever there is a super rod u get on the fight area and theres a good rod that u get off a fishing rod hope that helped

Were do you find the great rod in pkm pearl?

After beating the Elite Four, you can access the Fight Area, and there is a fisherman there who will give you the super rod.

On Pokemon Platinum where do you get a super rod?

Find a fisherman in the Fight Area It is at northwest area (top left)

Where to find the super rod?

In the fight area. Beat the elete4 and then fly to snowpoint city and head to the sailor. in the fight area head north if you see a fisher man talk to him and then you get a super rod!

Where can you find dragonair in Pokemon fire-red?

Very rarely if you use a super rod in the central area and Area 1 of the safari zone you can find dragonair.

Where do you find the super rod in platinum?

you have to complete your sinnoh pokedex.then go to the battle area,then go up and talk to a fisherman and he'll give you the super rod