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Q: How do you find the area of base for a cube?
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How do you calculate the area of the base of a cube?

The base of a cube is a square, so the area of the base of the cube is the area of that square. The area of a square is s2, where s is the length of on side. Side all edges of a cube have the same length, it doesn't matter which edge you use. Example: Find the area of the base of a cube with edges of length 7: A = 72 = 49 Example: Find the area of the base of a cube with volume 8 cubic meters. The volume of a cube is equal to s3, where s is the length of a side. 23=8, so 2 is the length of a side, and the area of the base is 22 = 4.

How do you find the height of a cube if you know the volume?

Find the area of the base

What is the formula for measuring base area of a cube?

A cube has all sides equal. The base area of cube = any surface of cube. All sides are squares (since all lengths are equal). So, the base area of cube = length * breadth.

How do find area of a column when you have volume and height?

A cube is a three dimensional shape, so a cube does not have an area, so your question is invalid.If you mean the area of one face on the cube, then you are referringtowhat is called a square.The area of a square is the base lengthtimes the height. Seeing as it is a cube, the base is the same length as the the height, so you just times the height by itself

What is the lateral area of a cube?

find the area of a base and then multiply by six. Then you square it. or 6 x ba (2)=lateral area

How do you find the volume of a cube when given area of base and height?

you have to multply lenght times width

Do you find the surface area of a cube by using base x height x width?

No instead it is s6 because the cube has 6 sides. . . :)

What is a good description of how you would measure the volume of a cube?

You find the area of one side (base x height) and then multiply that by the depth of the cube.

Area of base of a cube?

If the length of each edge of the cube is 's',then the area of each face is s2.

How can the base area of a cube be found?

by using formular

Cube that has a base with an area of 100 centimeters. What is the volume of the cube?

If the base of a cube is 100cm then the base must measure 10cm by 10cm. so, as it is a cube its height must also be 10cm. Therefore the volume of the cube is 10cm x10cm x10cm which equals 1000 cubic cm.

How do you find lateral surface area of cube?

If a is the side,lateral surface area of cube=4a2